VSU Public Safety offers rape defense course

January 30, 2001

VSU Public Safety offers rape defense course

The Regional Center for Continuing Education and the Public Safety Division at Valdosta State University are again offering Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) courses, taught by Cpl. Dennis Nealon, crime prevention officer.

According to Nealon, the R.A.D. program enables women to learn, in several hours, a set of cognitive and physical skills that benefit them for years to come. The R.A.D. approach to personal safety combines practical threat avoidance strategies, threat assessment processes and assault resistance tactics which will increase physical safety awareness. The overall goal is to reduce victimization through informed decision making and sensible action.

The 12-hour course is broken down into four classes from 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Classes begin Feb. 5 and continue on Feb. 7, Feb. 12 and Feb. 14, in the Continuing Education Building.

The next round of classes begin April 3 and continue on April 5, April 10 and April 12 from 5:30-8:30 p.m.

For more information on the course, contact VSU's Crime Prevention Office at 229?245?6493. To sign up for the course, contact the Regional Center for Continuing Education at 229?245?6484.
