Each student (or group of students) wanting to present must complete an abstract submission form on the right side of this page.

Oral Presentation Requirements:

  • Each student will have 12 minutes to present the heart of the research being discussed.
  • It is not required, but it is recommended that students have a power point presentation to go along with the oral presentation. 
  • This event requires business attire, professionalism, and presentation readiness. Watch your email for preparation and practice sessions. 
We intend to stream or record the presentations for family and friends who can't be at VSU during your presentation.  Details will be given in emails to participants.


Poster Design Video Discussion

Tips for Presentations

  • Take time to practice going through the entire PowerPoint multiple times.
  • You are allowed notes during the presentation.
  • Make eye contact and speak slowly and clearly (if using a microphone, test it first).

Tips for PowerPoint Design

The following tips/suggestions have been prepared to help improve the effectiveness of oral communication:

  • You have complete freedom in displaying your research materials in various forms of text, figures, charts, schematics, and photographs.  However, the text/graphs must be readable/visible from 6 feet (2 meters) away.
  • The PowerPoint should provide enough materials to explain the research to an audience that has limited knowledge of your topic.
  • The materials should stimulate discussion and initiate questions.
  • You can use different font sizes and colors to draw attention. For example, one can use the font types of “Helvetica” for headers and “Times” for the main text of the slides.
  • Use high-resolution photographs.
  • Avoid overwhelming viewers with too much information.
  • Be clear and concise in all statements.

For additional information about the poster presentations at the VSU Undergraduate Research Symposium please contact Dr. Lavonna Lovern at llovern@valdosta.edu.

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