Faculty Scholarship

-Arsalan Wares & Denise Taunton Reid (2021). An old problem with a new twist, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. Click Here To View!
-Giraldo, H., Rueda-Robayo, R. & Vélez-Marulanda, J.A (2021). On Auslander–Reiten components of string complexes for a certain class of symmetric special biserial algebras. Beitr Algebra Geom. Click Here To View!
-Fonce-Camacho, A., Giraldo, H., Rizzo, P. & Vélez-Marulanda, J.A. (2021). On a Deformation Theory of Finite Dimensional Modules Over Repetitive Algebras. Algebr Represent Theor. Click Here To View!
-Wares, A. (2021). A variation on an old geometric theme. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 52-9, 1413-1419. Click Here To View!
-José A. Vélez-Marulanda (2021), On deformations of Gorenstein-projective modules over Nakayama and triangular matrix algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 225, Issue 4. Click Here To View!
-Wares, A. & Valori, G. (2021). Origami at the intersection algebra, geometry and calculus. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 51-7, 1108-1112. Click Here To View!
-I.D.M. Gaviria and José A. Vélez-Marulanda (2021). Universal Deformation Rings of Modules over Self-injective Cluster-Tilted Algebras Are Trivial. Algebra Colloquium, Vol. 28, No. 02, pp. 269-280. Click Here To View!
-Wares, A. (2021). A Gift Box Filled with Mathematics. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, A Gift Box Filled with Mathematics in: Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12 Volume 114 Issue 4 (2021) (nctm.org). Click Here To View!
-Viktor Bekkert, Hernán Giraldo and José A. Vélez-Marulanda (2021). Derived tame Nakayama algebras, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 149, 4555-4567.Click Here To View!
-Mohammed-Awel, J., Numfor, E., Zhao, R., & Lenhart, S. (2021). A new mathematical model studying imperfect vaccination: Optimal control analysis. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 500(2), [125132]. Click Here To View!
-Wares, A. (2021). A modular gift box with a square base. The Fold (OrigmiUSA). 67, Nov-Dec. Click Here To View!
-Tufail M. Malik, Jemal Mohammed-Awel, Abba B. Gumel & Elamin H. Elbasha (2021) Mathematical assessment of the impact of cohort vaccination on pneumococcal carriage and serotype replacement, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 15:sup1, S214-S247, DOI: 10.1080/17513758.2021.1884760
-Wares, A. (2021). A triangular gift box. The Fold (OrigmiUSA). 66, Sep-Oct. Click Here To View!
-Harrell, Gregory and Lazari, Andreas (2020). Results of a Placement System for the First College Mathematics Course, Georgia Journal of Science, Vol. 78, No. 2, Article 3. Click Here To View!
-Viktor Bekkert, Hernán Giraldo and José A. Vélez-Marulanda (2020). Universal deformation rings of finitely generated Gorenstein-projective modules over finite dimensional algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Volume 224, Issue 5. Click Here To View!
-Ault, Shaun & Cliatt, Matthew. (2020). Arithmetic Sequences and Blocks of Powers of Two in the Collatz Array. Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 32. 32-38.
-Moch, P. L. (2020). Faith, Hope, and Strength: Achieving the Impossible. In S. Brand, & L. Ciccomascolo (Eds.), Social Justice and Putting Theory Into Practice in Schools and Communities (pp. 44-57). IGI Global. Click Here To View!
-Arsalan Wares (2020). Mathematical Art or Artistic Mathematics?, Math Horizons, 27:3, 13-15, Click Here To View
-Sandra Trowell (2020). Proportional Reasoning in Preservice Teachers. GATEways, volume 31, issue 1.
-Arsalan Wares (2020). Generalization and extension of a problem from an American mathematics competition, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 51:1, 131-135, Click Here To View!
-Arsalan Wares (2020). The golden ratio and regular hexagons, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 51:1, 157-160, Click Here To View!
-Mohammed-Awel, J., Iboi, E. A., & Gumel, A. B. (2020). Insecticide resistance and malaria control: A genetics-epidemiology modeling approach. Mathematical Biosciences, 325, [108368]. Click Here To View!
-Arsalan Wares (2020). Challenging problems in Euclidean geometry, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 51:4, 626-630, Click Here To View!
-José A. Vélez-Marulanda (2019). A note on deformations of Gorenstein-projective modules over finite dimensional algebras, Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas, 53(supl), 245–256. Click Here To View!
-Harrell, G., & Adams, T. (2019). A Study of Estimation in the Culture of Professionals at Work. In T. Shockey (Ed.), Culture that Counts: A Decade of Depth with the Journal of Mathematics & Culture. Publisher: North American Study Group on Ethnomathematics. ISBN # 978-1939044501
-Yohny Calderón-Henao, Hernán Giraldo, Ricardo Rueda-Robayo & José A. Vélez-Marulanda (2019). Universal deformation rings of string modules over certain class of self-injective special biserial algebras, Communications in Algebra, 47:12, 4969-4988. Click Here To View!
-Wares, A. (2019). Geometry and Trigonometry Interplay. The Mathematics Teacher, 112(5), 400–400. Click Here To View!
-Chien Hsu and Jin Wang. (2019). Applied Linear Algebra Methods for Data Science. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing and Big Data (ICCBD 2019). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 17–21. Click Here To View!
-Arsalan Wares (2019) Paper folding and trigonometric ratios, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 50:4, 636-641, Click Here To View!
-Shaun Ault and Charles Kicey (2019). Counting Lattice Paths Using Fourier Methods. Birkhäuser, Series: Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis 2296-5009 (2019). Click Here To View!
-Arsalan Wares (2019). Origami and Geometry. The Scottish Mathematical Council Journal, 49, ISSN 2515-1347, pp. 64-66.
-Mohammed-Awel J, Gumel AB (2019). Mathematics of an epidemiology-genetics model for assessing the role of insecticides resistance on malaria transmission dynamics. Math Biosci. 2019 Jun;312:33-49. Click Here To View! Epub 2019 Feb 27. PMID: 30825481.
-Arsalan Wares & Iwan Elstak (2019) Constructive struggle in geometry classrooms, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 50:5, 800-805, Click Here To View!
-Yihao Li and Jin Wang. (2019). Online Updating Algorithms of Statistical Methods for Big Data. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing and Big Data (ICCBD 2019). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 81–85. Click Here To View!
-Arsalan Wares (2019) An unexpected property of quadrilaterals, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 50:2, 315-321, Click Here To View!
-Shaun V. Ault (2018). Understanding Topology: A Practical Introduction. Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 416. ISBN 978-1-42142-407-1
-Harrell, G. K., Holton, A. J. (2018). Learning from High-Performing Middle Schools in High-Poverty Areas. Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics, X (Reflections, 3), 4.
-Mallory Helms, Shaun V. Ault, Guifen Mao, and Jin Wang. (2018). An Overview of Google Brain and Its Applications. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Big Data and Education (ICBDE '18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 72–75. Click Here To View!
-Reid, D. T., Trowell, S. D. (2018). SONA: An Activity for Exploration of the GCF. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 24 (Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 2), 116-122. 2204 Newbern Street Journal Article
-Wares, A. (2018). Pythagoras meets paper folding. Mathematics Teacher. 111-5, 400.
-Sean D. Holcomb, William K. Porter, Shaun V. Ault, Guifen Mao, and Jin Wang. (2018). Overview on DeepMind and Its AlphaGo Zero AI. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Big Data and Education (ICBDE '18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 67–71.Click Here To View!
-Lazari, A. G., Graham, V. L. (2018). COLLEGE ALGEBRA-Online vs Traditional Section. Georgia Academy of Science, 76, No. 2, Article 3 (Georgia Journal of Science).
-Wares, A. (2018). An interesting property of hexagons. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 49-3, 437-479.
-Ault, Shaun & Perez, R.J. & Kimble, C.A. & Wang, J. (2018). On speech recognition algorithms. International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing. 8. 518-523. Click Here To View!
-J. Mohammed-Awel, F. Agusto, R. Mickens and A. Gumel (2018). Mathematical Assessment of the Role of Vector Insecticide Resistance and Feeding/Resting Behavior on Malaria Transmission Dynamics: Optimal Control Analysis. Infectious Disease Modelling Volume 3, Pages 301-321.
-Wares, A. (2018). Dynamic geometry as a context for exploring conjectures. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 49-1, 153-159.
-Cabutto, T. A., Heeney, S. P., Ault, S., Mao, G., Wang, J. (2018). An Overview of the Julia Programming Language. NO (ICCBD '18 Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Computing and Big Data, ISBN 978-1-4503-6540-6/18/09 ed., pp. 87-91). Charleston, SC: ACM. 4748 Blackwater Drive
Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics
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Valdosta, GA 31698