Awards, Scholarships and Honors

In addition to the scholarships, awards, and financial aid VSU offers, English majors may also be eligible for departmental scholarships and awards. Also, undergraduate students have the opportunity to work as writing tutors in the Academic Support Center. Graduate students may apply for graduate assistantships and teaching assistantships.
The Edward Vickers Academy of American Poets Award:
- Sponsored by the Academy of American Poets, awarded to a student currently enrolled. Second and third place may be awarded. All poems submitted to the literary magazine Odradek are eligible.
Harold Gulliver Memorial Scholarship:
- Awarded to a liberal arts major who, as a sophomore or junior English major, has completed a minimum of nine hours of upper division course work in the Department while maintaining a minimum grade point average of 3.25 for departmental courses and a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0. Consideration is given both to academic standing and to financial need. The scholarship is awarded for two semesters; the recipient's status is reviewed each semester.
- Previous Winner: 2019 - Benjamin B. Elliot
- Previous Winner: 2020 - Jaidenne Braggs
- Current Winner: 2021 - Kasmira Smith
The Martha Wiseman McKey Award:
- Awarded to the senior English major with the highest cumulative grade point average who has completed at least 90 hours of course work and at least 60 hours of academic work at Valdosta State University.
- Previous Winner: 2019 - Arelexus Brown
- Previous Winner: 2020 - Hanna B. Berryhill
- Current Winner: 2021 - Daniel Winchester
The Raymond Register Fiction Prize:
- Awarded to a student currently enrolled. $100 prize given in honor of former VSU professor of English. Second place or co-winners possible depending on annual judges' decision. All short stories submitted to Odradek are eligible.
- Current Winners: 2016 - Benjamin Gardner and Haylee Friel
The VSU English Undergraduate Scholarship:
- Awarded to an undergraduate English major who has completed at least nine hours of upper-division course work in the Department, who has maintained a 3.5 grade point average in such course work, and who has made consistent progress towards the degree.
- Previous Winner: 2019 - Warricka D. Gladden
- Previous Winner: 2020 - Ariel M. Fortson
- Current Winner: 2021 - Lydia Yawn
The Charles J. Miller Award For Journalistic Excellence:
- Awarded to the student most likely to succeed as a professional journalist.
- Previous Winners: 2016 - Jordan Barela and Tatyana Phelps
- Previous Winners: 2019 - Bryce J. Ethridge and Robert A. Davidson
- Current Winner: 2021 - Lenah Allen
The VSU English Graduate Scholarship:
- Awarded to the candidate for the Master of Arts in English who has completed at least nine hours of his or her course work in graduate English and linguistics courses, who has a 3.5 grade point average, and who has made consistent progress toward the degree.
- Previous Winner: 2019 - Jason A. Smith
- Previous Winner: 2020 - Danielle R. Bond
- Current Winner: 2021 - Morgan Rizzo Henrique
The VSU English Graduate Award:
- Awarded to the candidate for the Master of Arts in English who has completed at least 50 percent of his or her course work, who has a grade point average of 3.5 or better, and who has made consistent progress toward the degree.
- Previous Winners: 2019 - Michael S. Antonoff and Rachel A. Miller
- Previous Winner: 2020 - Jason A. Smith
- Current Winner: 2021 - Danielle Bond
The VSU English MAESLAT Scholarship:
- Awarded annually (Fall to Summer) to one candidate in the MAESLAT Program who has completed at least 12 hours and at most 18 hours of coursework in the program, who has the highest GPA of candidates within that credit hour window in the program, and who has made consistent progress toward the degree. Ties among students will be decided by additional faculty rubrics according to classroom performance.
- Current Winners: 2021 - Seerie Clark and Emilie Merrill
The VSU English MAESLAT Award:
- Awarded annually (Fall to Summer) to one graduating MAESLAT student who has completed all coursework and who has the highest GPA, with ties being broken by the highest performance (as assessed by Exam rubrics) on the Comprehensive Exam.
- Current Winner: 2021 - Victoria Creech
For further information contact the English Department.
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1500 N. Patterson St. Valdosta, Georgia 31698 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5946