Teacher Leadership GACE Task Resources

Cautions for Preparing GACE Tasks This document gives you questions to ask yourself as you prepare GACE Task reports. These reminders are critical to using resources and writing clearly to earn the maximum points.
Evidence is Key-Narrated PowerPoint-- This PowerPoint with audio will describe one of the foundational ideas for writing your task report, and that idea is providing evidence. Think of the content of this PowerPoint as you are writing EVERY prompt. Your response is always scored on the evidence you provide.
Evidence is a Key This document is a condensed Word document with some of the information that is contained in the narrated PowerPoint. After viewing the PowerPoint, this document could be printed to serve as a reminder about the necessity of providing evidence, and what constitutes evidence for the GACE.
Info about GACE Teacher Leader Assessment Webinar This document provides what Educational Testing Service and Scoring people say about EACH task, including where candidates often miss points. This link takes you to a sheet that gives you the exact minutes of the webinar you need to watch to get information on the Task on which you are working. When you see the “minutes” you need, you can then access the Webinar and listen to what the ETS folks have to say about a task.
Adult Learning Strategies This document provides seven pages on Adult Learning Strategies and Change Theory. It provides content from a number of different sources about strategies teacher leaders can use and cite when working with colleagues on projects/tasks.
Collaboration Three tasks (1. Adult Learning and the Collaborative Culture; 5. Collaboration with Families and the Community; and 6. Collaborative Teams and Advocacy) clearly focus on collaboration. This document helps teacher leaders understand what is defined as collaboration for the tasks, what it looks like in practice, and how to promote that collaboration as you lead others. Information is included that can help you plan meetings and activities and that can help you respond to prompts.
Effective Advocacy Advocacy is the focus of task 6. Collaborative Teams and Advocacy. The concept of advocacy may not be part of the speaking and working vocabulary of teacher leaders. Read the information here to see what teacher leaders can do to understand and help others to advocate positively.
GACE Teacher Leader Quick Link Guide This one-page document is one-stop shopping for connecting to items on the GACE Teacher Leadership website. It has clickable links to the Tasks and Rubrics. It also has links all forms such as the Reflection form for Task 4, Permission Forms, Library of Examples, Handbook, Quick Registration Guide, and other resources. One very important resource, the GACE Teacher Leader Assessment Webinar has its own link above and provides SUPERB information on each task. Use this resource as you are considering each task.
Collaboration with Families and the Community Because working with families often seems out of the scope of ways we can make a difference, understanding the foundation of this task is a key for teacher leaders in working with families and the community. This document not only has foundational information; it has links that can provide inspiration and ideas for projects, factual information you can share with colleagues, examples of family and community partners with whom you and your colleagues might work.
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