January 29, 2025

Jessica Pope
Communications and Media Relations Coordinator

VSU Planetarium Presents “Planet Parade” Jan. 31

VALDOSTA — The Valdosta State University Planetarium presents “Planet Parade” at 6 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m., and 9 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 31.

Seating for each presentation is limited to 47 guests. Free admission ticket distribution begins as early as 5:30 p.m. on a first-come, first-served basis at the VSU Planetarium.

“You may have been watching the skies over the last month, keeping track of Venus in the southwest, Saturn next to it, Jupiter overhead, and Mars in the northeast,” shared Dr. Martha Leake, professor of astronomy and physics at VSU. “All are bright, but Venus is the brightest. The speed with which each planet changes positions is also amazing. We can predict those speeds, the encounters (conjunctions) with planets or the moon, and the brightness of each body, yet it still is thrilling to see them in the sky.”

The VSU Planetarium can recreate the past and present planet motions, illustrating and explaining the changes seen. Leake said guests will learn the answer to the following question: Why do we see the planets like beads on a string?

If weather conditions permit, guests will have an opportunity to visit the VSU Observatory and view the night sky through telescopes.

Located on the third floor of Nevins Hall, the VSU Planetarium features a Digitarium Kappa digital projector, which can reproduce the night sky as seen from anywhere on Earth or from the surface of any object in the solar system, at any time in history, past or future.

Limited parking is available in front of Nevins Hall and across Patterson Street.

Planetarium public outreach shows are appropriate for children and adults ages 5 and up.

Contact VSU’s Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics at (229) 333-5778 for more information.

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