December 12, 2023

Jessica Pope
Communications and Media Relations Coordinator

Holly Wright, Health Promotions and Wellness manager at VSU

VSU Receives Grant to Promote Safe Driving, Reduce Traffic Crashes

VALDOSTA — Valdosta State University announces the receipt of a $7,433.31 grant to participate in the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety’s Georgia Young Adult Program. This award includes funds from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Through its Georgia Young Adult Program, the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety partners with colleges and universities throughout the state to help address young adult driver crashes, injuries, and fatalities. The program uses peer education, guest speakers, and other strategies to encourage schools to develop creative and innovative techniques to promote driving safety in their communities.  

“The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and our partners continue to implement programs designed to save lives and promote safe driving behaviors,” said Allen Poole, director of the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety. “We ask everyone to help our state and nation reach the attainable goal of zero traffic deaths by driving safe speeds, always wearing a seat belt, keeping the focus on the road and not the phone, and never operating a vehicle under the influence of any substance that impairs your ability to drive.”

The Georgia Young Adult Program at VSU coordinates a number of on-campus activities each year — impaired driving prevention programs like DUI simulators, ThinkFast Interactive Game Show, and professional speakers; programmatic events around occasions such as National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week, Spring Break, graduation, and new student orientation; and collaborations with the campus Greek community, student athletes, campus police, health and wellness departments, and counseling services.

The grant year for this award will run through Sept. 30, 2024.

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