August 14, 2023

Jessica Pope
Communications and Media Relations Coordinator

Meet Sandra Y. G. Jones, 2023 VSU Presidential Excellence Award for Classified Staff Honoree

Dr. Richard A. Carvajal, president of Valdosta State University, recently honored Sandra Y. G. Jones with the 2023 Presidential Excellence Award for Classified Staff.

VALDOSTA — Dr. Richard A. Carvajal, president of Valdosta State University, recently honored Sandra Y. G. Jones with the 2023 Presidential Excellence Award for Classified Staff.

This distinguished recognition is an annual tradition at VSU, one that recognizes the high standards of service, initiative, reliability, professional attitude, exemplary job performance, and leadership of the university’s dedicated staff.

Jones joined the VSU staff in 2016 and currently serves as deputy chief officer of student engagement, a role that requires her to oversee a number of areas within the Division of Enrollment and Student Affairs, including Student Diversity and Inclusion, Student Life, Career Opportunities and Volunteer Services, Campus Recreation, the Student Union, and more.

As a member of various diversity committees, Jones works to ensure VSU is an inclusive community that promotes open communication and collaboration and offers a learning and working environment that is supportive, healthy, engaging, inspiring, and challenging for all. She also presides over two campus initiatives — SPARK, an extended orientation-style program that helps students navigate college life, and Blazer Ready, a leadership and skill development program.

VSU: This award recognizes the high standards of service, initiative, reliability, professional attitude, exemplary job performance, and leadership of the university’s dedicated staff. What advice do you have for VSU’s fall graduates and young alumni who wish to demonstrate excellence in their current / future professional roles?

Jones: I try to exemplify excellence as a standard for myself. That does not mean I always get the outcome that I expect, but I can always be proud of the effort that goes into my work. You will have bad moments, but don’t give them too much energy. Recover quickly. Most importantly, allow positivity to fuel your joy. Resist negative energy bandits. 

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